Monday, 8 December 2014

Keeping Your Internal Organs Happy and Healthy

Life is supported by the actions of the body's internal organs. These include the heart and lungs in the chest cavity and the liver, spleen, pancreas, intestines and kidneys in the abdominal cavity. These organs are mostly soft and squishy. Organs can be thought of as sponge-like. Circulation of blood through each organ depends on alternating compression and relaxation cycles.

The liver has many tiny canals taking blood from a central location and delivering it to the cells that do the actual metabolic work. These canals are called sinusoids. In the microscopic picture of the liver below, there is a blood vessel at the centre of the picture with sinusoids seen radiating away from the blood vessel.

 How does blood move through these sinusoidal spaces? Just as a sponge needs to be squeezed and released, the liver, as well as other internal organs, needs to be compressed and released in order to maintain optimal flow of blood to cells within the organ.

The liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys lie under the diaphragm muscle. With every breath the lungs take in, the diaphragm descends and compresses these organs. With every breath out the diaphragm rises and releases pressure on the internal organs. Movements of the rib cage and abdominal wall also apply pressure to the internal organs.

Movement of the diaphragm, ribs and abdominal wall are affected by mobility of the spine. The spine is connected with joints to the ribs. The spine has direct ligament attachments extending from the diaphragm. Movements of the spine determine range of motion of the abdominal wall. Spinal mobility is crucial for motion that induces flow through the internal organs.

iHeart measures Aortic Stiffness, that is closely related to spinal mobility. With increasing spinal mobility there is greater motion within the abdominal and chest cavities that is so important for keeping the internal organs in good health.

Aortic Stiffness is related to the risk of death from all causes. This is easier to understand now that the connection between stiffness affecting motion of the abdominal and chest cavities and internal organ circulation and health has been explored.

So come on................... Get younger with iHeart!

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